
Oct 18, 2009

Run Opera mini, a mobile browser in Computer!

It sounds so weird isn't it!!??
But you can run a mobile browser(.jar) in PC and you can actually browse in it!!!
Hmmm. . . .Now you might be thinking what is the use of it when there are so many browsers for computer!!

The use is for those who have slow internet connection! Mobile browsers are optimized to run even in very slow internet connection. So if you have a dial-up or usb wireless connection you can browse very fast using this mobile browser.

So how to run it??
We use a software called microemulator using which we can run a mobile browser in PC!

  • Download microemulator here 

  • unzip the archive on your PC

  • Double-click on "microemulator.jar" to run it

  • Meanwhile Download the Opera Mini .jar and .jad files from 

  • Go to "Options > Select device", click "Add...", navigate to "microemulator\devices" and select "microemu-device-resizable.jar"

  • select the "Resizable device" profile you just added and click "Set as default"

  • click the "Resize" button in lower right to set the size you want( keep it same as your PC's screen resolution like 1024X768)

  • Now go to "File >  Open JAD" and choose the Opera Mini jad you previously downloaded

  • Opera Mini now appears in the list of apps you can start, click the "Start" button to launch it

  • Enjoy!

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